Many companies have attempted to incorporate monitoring into their environments—cloud or on-premises—and rightfully so, as observability is a foundational component of any type of deployment. Though Azure Monitor, Datadog, AppDynamics, New Relic, or another APM has been attached to cloud environments, and the telemetry is being ingested, companies still lack a firm understanding of how to operationalize that data. Therefore, many of the elaborate dashboards that these companies provide out of the box, while inherently fantastic in their perspectives, essentially are more than fancy, blinking lights.

Actionable Insights

Innovation begins with understanding Service Level Indicators (SLIs) and how they operations and deliverables. After countless engagements with customers, we’ve found that many have “turned on” some type of APM or other monitoring solution within their environment only to not truly understand how to correctly interpret or take action based on the insights provided. It simply is not enough to enable a monitoring solution if that solution provides little to no benefit to the way business operates and workloads are maintained. Furthermore, not every business or workload is the same. Using the same dashboards as thousands of others may not make sense.

Missional attempts to understand your business and its workloads. We want to know what’s important to you—what keeps you up at night. We then work to capture and present that data in a way that empowers you and other stakeholders to take necessary actions to meet Service Level Objectives and the agreements you have with your customers (SLOs & SLAs) by improving SLIs. Missional helps customers move beyond dashboards into implementation and improvement.

Insights that aren’t actionable are just noise.

Beyond Workloads

Observability stretches beyond key insights of workload performance. They should also include every detail of real-time business operations. This means that in order to transform and improve how you do business, you must capture the right telemetry from the right sources. When it comes to observability, Missional examines all facets of your business—technical and human. We develop solutions that empower you to monitor technologies on-premises within your data centers and from multi-cloud deployments. Additionally, we capture insights surrounding ancillary events such as application and infrastructure deployments, ingress and egress of team members within a location, and many others. Couple this with machine learning, your team is equipped for proactive resiliency and enhanced security through anomaly detection.

Observability Leaders

The team at Missional consists of not just experts in observability and monitoring. Instead, some are considered industry leaders by Microsoft and other technology providers. Beyond logging and building dashboards, we understand the ins and outs of observability—functionally, technically, and pragmatically. We have assisted global companies in building observability strategies to optimize the execution and delivery of their business goals and improve efficiencies across strategic initiatives. Missional drives innovation for our customers and helps them achieve new levels of effectiveness within their businesses and their target markets.