Cloud computing affects every business and penetrates every strain of life. All businesses and all sectors have some facet of operations in the cloud, whether those operations involve assets owned by the company or licensed services from providers. What was once a revolutionary, breakthrough phenomenon is now an essential element of digital transformation. And there’s no sign of slowing down as companies continue to realize the relevance and vitality of the cloud.

2022 Top Cloud Initiatives


While “the cloud” has become common in our conversations, it doesn’t mean everyone understands it well, much less build for the cloud. The cloud is not just “someone else’s computer.” Our cloud consultants understand that and have worked with many companies, across multiple industries, for over two decades to integrate private and hybrid cloud opportunities into product development and go-to-market strategies, infrastructure, M&A opportunities, investment decisions, and more. We work with established technology companies and start-ups on cloud strategies that will propel their own growth and help their clients succeed, with financial sponsors who must determine the impact of the cloud on current or potential investments, and with CIOs and CTOs who are leveraging the cloud to enhance the way IT services are delivered. We’ve performed in-depth architectural assessments of customer workloads and provided recommendations to improve reliability, resiliency, security, and performance.

“90% of large enterprises have adopted a multi-cloud strategy.” – Hashicorp


A wealth of customer experience combined with proprietary market research, unmatched access to C-suite leaders, and hundreds of dialogues with key players in the cloud ecosystem inform our unique perspective and give Missional an edge in our practice. As a result, we have a clear vision of the future of cloud computing and what that means for companies that provide cloud solutions and enabling technologies. We have collaborated closely with our clients to assess the impact and opportunities of cloud computing from every conceivable vantage point.

“48% of tech companies invest in cloud computing technology innovations.” – Gartner

To cite just a few examples, we have helped companies:


  • Architectural consulting for cloud-native workloads and those being migrated from on-premises
  • Design sessions and cloud training for development teams
  • Security assessments of cloud environments
  • Develop strategies for optimizing containers and serverless computing, two emerging trends that will exert a major impact on cloud computing
  • Assess which factors are influencing cloud migration strategies across the full spectrum of options

Marketing & Operations

  • Analyze user adoption trends
  • Understand how cloud adoption and growth potential vary by market segment
  • Explore user awareness of and views on major cloud vendors and which factors influence vendor selection and conversion rates
  • Understand how the cloud is altering channel strategies, margins, and opportunities

Our broad expertise ensures that, whatever promises the cloud may hold for you, we can help you maximize its potential.