In the past two decades, the application development landscape has seen many changes.  From ad hoc developers and extended contractors to domestic and off-shore outsourcing, companies have practically endless options for custom software development. Missional understands these options, and we work with you to make your decision easy – choosing Missional for application development will be the smartest decision for your custom software project.

Full Life-cycle Development

Missional maintains all responsibilities for the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and integration of systems. We perform all development by our team members.

Cooperative Development

Also known as staff augmentation, our developers work with your in-house team and provide additional architecture, development, and product management resources.

Clear Approach

One of the greatest priorities we find across the board from our clients is having the ability to see into the software development process.  Missional understands that clients want to ensure that they are receiving the highest return on their investment.  That is why Missional provides the utmost transparency throughout our custom application development projects.

Have a great idea but are new to the custom application development world?  That’s okay. We like new projects and working with clients who are “learning the ropes.”  Our clients recognize our genuineness to serve them and provide not only a successful project but a great experience overall.  We take the time to educate clients in proper software development processes so that they can feel confident in moving forward with their custom software projects.  In this way, whether they use Missional or another company for development, they will still have the knowledge to execute a successful project.  In the end, however, and as you can imagine, our clients appreciate our non-threatening, clear approach to delivering custom software solutions and typically choose Missional for development and implementation.

Process Governance

With all in-house development projects, Missional adheres to strict software development lifecycle (SDLC) processes.  From requirements gathering, architecture, and development to change management and production support, Missional’s projects follow all guidelines for governance by regulations such as PCI, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and SAS70.  You can be sure that all applications are compliant and secure.

Have a preference for a particular process methodology?  That’s not a problem.  Missional’s team members have experience working within the CMMI, Agile, and SCRUM methodologies.  For all in-house software development projects, we execute under the SCRUM process.  Regardless of the methodology used, however, our project managers and team leads keep our clients informed throughout the development process.  Whether the client wants to be involved with the daily SCRUMs or simply notified when a milestone has been reached, or somewhere in between, we work hard to ensure that they have a complete 360-degree understanding of where we are at within the process.

Relationship Oriented, Results Driven

Missional strives to be a dependable resource with which you sincerely enjoy doing business.  We not only focus on delivering a solid software product of which you can be proud, but Missional works hard at cultivating long-lasting, trusted relationships – we make many efforts in going the extra mile.  We work with the greatest clients, and we know that great people know other great people.  Our clients have no problem in referring us to their clients and colleagues because of our standards, work ethics, and quality of work.

When it comes to custom application development providers, Missional understands the par for our industry.  Companies strive to maximize revenue at the cost of short-cutting best practices, over-working team members, and charging incredibly high prices for cheap, inexperienced labor.  Software development companies today may not promise a completed project, but they promise that you’ll at least get something.  Missional operates on a different level.  We follow all of Microsoft’s best practices and procedures for all technologies in which we operate.  Missional values a healthy work/personal life balance amongst its team members, and our clients can attest to the quality of work this produces.  Furthermore, our team members are certified experts in their fields of development.  The only project we consider successful is the one that is completed with the client’s full expectations.

Domain Experts

We deeply believe that providing the best solutions begins with having the best team members.  Missional does not just encourage certifications, but we require certifications for all of our team members.  This even includes our sales and human resources teams.  By doing so, Missional is able to provide the best technology options for your custom software development project along with the best resources to implement it.

Missional’s team also includes multiple Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) who offer not only in-depth knowledge of diverse Microsoft technologies internally, but also train other companies and their team members on these technologies.  By utilizing Missional and its resources, our clients receive the expertise of enterprise technology leaders; we train other companies nationwide.  Our clients truly get the best of the best.